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Machine Embroidery and Design Residency - Folk Bird Bookmark Workshop

Event Type: 2021 STEAM & Maker Spaces
Date: 26/05/2024
Start Time: 12:30 PM
End Time: 1:30 PM
 Create folk-art inspired bookmarks sewing machine embroidered elements by hand.

Explore the creative potential of machine embroidery in textile arts and crafts with Artist in Residency Jo Spurrier. Jo is a multi-craftual creator with wide-ranging interests and skills. A fantasy novelist in her day job, she has been passionate about textile arts since childhood and has dabbled in knitting, weaving, sewing, spinning, dyeing as well as hand embroidery and beading. As a person living with chronic illness, her experience as a disabled creator has led her to explore machine embroidery as an adaptive technology to allow her to keep creating despite physical limitations.
Library: City Library
Location: Studio 2
Other Information:
 All equipment and materials are provided.
Status: We're sorry. This event is currently full.

We're sorry. This event is currently full.