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Community Gardening - Garden Design 101

Event Type: CC - Wellbeing & Resilience Program
Date: 16/04/2024
Start Time: 10:30 AM
End Time: 11:30 AM
 Many people want to change their garden or even start one from scratch but don’t know where to begin. Come along to learn garden design tips and tricks from local gardener Bebe Sanders. This talk will cover how to measure and draw up a simple plan, considering design with colour, size and focal points in mind, help choosing plants and understanding ongoing garden maintenance. Whether you have a big, small, existing or brand-new garden this talk is for all those wanting to know how to plan and consider the best choices for their garden.

Bebe studied Horticulture and Garden Design at Urrbrae and was awarded an Internship at the Garden Development Unit at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew in London. She has a complementary degree in Botany and Environmental Science. She has fifteen years' experience working as a Garden Designer, Adviser and Educator. Bebe loves talking to people about their gardens and helping them get the gardens of their dreams.
Library: City Library - Digital Spaces
Location: Digital Hub
Status: Closed

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