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Media Lab 1x1 Movie Making, Filming and Editing Training

Event Type: Performance Media and Play - Media Lab
Date: 29/05/2021
Start Time: 3:00 PM
End Time: 4:30 PM
 Thinking about refining your family movies? Do your video conferences look unsteady or the colour just isn’t quite right? Use After Effects to enhance your footage with special effects and filters. Once you have the look just right, you can then edit your films in Premier! Our friendly volunteer will work with you to help you make a movie, learn to use a video camera or learn to edit your footage in this one-on-one session.
Film and movie software include:
- iMovie
- Premiere
- After Effects
Library: City Library - Digital Spaces
Location: Media Lab Mac Studio - Left (Inc: Wacom Tablet)
Other Information:
 Please use the Notes field to indicate what you would like to learn during your session.
Status: Closed

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